20 Questions to Ask Before Going Solar

  • Solar
  • October 26, 2023
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  • 13

Switching to solar energy is an exciting and environmentally responsible decision, but it also requires careful consideration and planning. Before you embark on your solar installation journey, it’s essential to ask the right questions and gather the information you need to make informed decisions. In this blog post, we provide you with 20 essential questions to ask before going solar.

1. What are my energy needs?

Understanding your energy consumption is the first step. Calculate your current electricity usage and identify your needs.

2. Is my location suitable for solar?

Consider factors like your geographical location, roof orientation, and shading to determine the suitability of your location for solar panels.

3. What size system do I need?

Based on your energy needs, determine the appropriate size for your solar panel system.

4. How much will it cost?

Request detailed quotes from multiple solar companies to understand the full cost of installation, including equipment, labor, and permits.

5. What incentives are available?

Research federal, state, and local incentives, tax credits, and rebates that can reduce your installation costs.

6. How will I finance my solar system?

Explore financing options such as loans, leases, power purchase agreements (PPAs), and cash purchases to determine the best fit for your budget.

7. What is the expected ROI?

Understand the expected return on investment and the timeline for recouping your initial costs.

8. Do I need a battery?

Consider whether you want to install a battery for energy storage and backup power.

9. How will solar panels affect my roof?

Ask about the potential impact of solar panels on your roof’s integrity and whether any reinforcement is needed.

10. What Is the Lifespan of Solar Panels?

Inquire about the expected lifespan of your solar panels and their warranties.

11. Who will install the system?

Choose a reputable installer with experience in solar panel installation.

12. Are there maintenance requirements?

Understand the maintenance needed to keep your solar system performing optimally.

13. How will the system be monitored?

Ask about monitoring options to track the performance of your solar panels.

14. Can I sell excess energy back to the grid?

Inquire about net metering and whether you can earn credits for excess energy.

15. What Happens During Power Outages?

Discuss backup power options and how your solar system functions during outages.

16. What are the environmental benefits?

Learn about the positive environmental impact of solar energy and how it reduces your carbon footprint.

17. Is My Roof Suitable for Solar Panels?

Ask about the condition of your roof and whether any repairs or replacements are necessary.

18. How does solar impact property value?

Understand how solar panels can affect the value of your home.

19. What are the terms of the contract?

Review all contract terms, including warranties, installation timelines, and payment schedules.

20. Can you provide references?

Request references from the solar company to learn about the experiences of other customers.

Armed with the answers to these 20 questions, you’ll be well-prepared for your solar installation journey. Make informed decisions, maximize the benefits of clean, renewable energy, and take a significant step towards a more sustainable future.

For expert guidance on your solar journey and to explore your options, contact Fazipay, your trusted partner in clean and renewable energy solutions.


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