5 Ways to Conserve Solar Energy

5 Ways to Conserve Solar Energy

The switch from non-renewable to renewable energy sources such as solar is a bold step. After switching to solar energy, you should consider ways to conserve this energy source for a prolonged period. You can undoubtedly efficiently reduce the total cost of power for your home or business with solar energy. 

In this article, we will suggest some efficient ways to conserve solar energy. But before we proceed, can we first examine why we need to save solar energy? After then, we can consider saving solar energy for optimum use and supplying power when you most need it.

Reasons Why You Should Conserve Solar Energy

It is essential to conserve solar energy for many reasons, ranging from cost reduction to lowering non-renewable energy sources’ environmental impacts. Let us consider why you should conserve solar energy one after the other.

  • Increase Lifespan / Duration

An average solar panel, an integral part of the solar home system, comes with a lifespan of 25 years. But that may also largely depend on how you use and maintain it. If you want to optimise the use of solar energy for home or commercial purposes, you should conserve it in any way possible.

  • Unexpected Bad weather

Solar power depends mainly on weather conditions, but a reliable means of conservation ensures that you continue to have the ability even during bad weather. For instance, the solar panel reduces efficiency during cloudy weather, but you could have stored up the energy with the inverter. That allows the solar home system to remain active. 

  • Save Cost

We cannot downplay the ability of solar energy to save over 40% of your total cost of energy bills. Considering that the energy cost is rising, you can take solar advantage to reduce electricity bills. Moreover, it is less economical to run on generators threatened by the cost of regular maintenance and fuel price hikes. 

  • Avoid Unnecessary blackout

Blackouts can happen worldwide, whether due to natural disasters or artificial faults. Either way, the economic significance may be high, and an excellent way to prevent that is to have a reliable alternative. Eventually, choosing renewable energy as an alternative energy source is far cheaper than conventional energy sources.

5 Ways to Conserve Solar Energy

5 Ways to Conserve Solar Energy

Now that we are convinced that it is solar energy conservation has both economic, environmental and safety impacts, let us look at five practical ways to conserve energy.

1. Unplug Your Appliances when not in use

To conserve your solar energy usage, you may want to unplug any appliance that is not used regularly. As a result, you can reduce the depletion rate of the stored energy in your converter. This way is the simplest of all because you can simply switch off and unplug any appliance after use. 

Another reason why this step is important is that most electronic appliances, whether in use or not, consume some energy when plugged into the power source. The same principle applies to energy consumption from other sources. 

2. Increase solar panel capacity

The capacity and quality of your solar panel are directly related to the amount of energy it can generate. For instance, a 30 watts solar panel cannot generate enough energy for multiple appliances. So, if you want more energy to power more devices, you should increase your solar panel.

A more extensive solar panel means that you can also store up more energy for later use. Moreover, two solar panels exposed to the same hours of sunlight but different sizes will store different amounts of energy. So, an excellent way to get more from your solar energy system is to get a more extensive panel for more efficient use.

3. Use Energy saving appliances

Is there even anyone using conventional bulbs and appliances anymore? It is no news that LED bulbs use 75% less energy than regular incandescent light bulbs. That’s a ratio of 1:5, at the very least. Alternatively, you can try compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). Not only do these bulbs save energy, but they also last up to 25 times longer than regular lightbulbs. 

Apart from energy-saving bulbs, you should also consider energy-saving appliances. An easy way to identify these appliances is to check out their energy star rating, denoted by a blue label. These appliances are usually between 9 and 50% more energy efficient than the average industry standard. It could be solar freezers.

4. Use Solar freezers and refrigerators.

Another way to ensure that the energy stored from solar panels is well-utilized is to use solar appliances. For example, solar freezers and refrigerators have an inbuilt lithium battery to store energy and a dedicated solar panel to trap sunlight from the outside. Koolboks have some fantastic choices for you to consider, which are available on PayGo and outright payments.

Apart from solar freezers and refrigerators, you can replace your high-energy-consuming devices with solar options. For instance, you can use a solar TV, which consumes less energy than a regular TV connector to a solar inverter. Replacing your standard electronic appliances with solar options can save you a great deal of solar energy. After all, you don’t need all of them constantly.

5. Reduce energy usage during the day.

To get your solar energy system to serve optimum use, you may need to adjust your energy consumption during the day. The reason is that the solar panel is actively charging and storing energy in the inverter by the day when there is the sun. At the same time, grid electricity also often reaches its peak, and solar users do not use the stored energy just yet.

However, during the night, when the sun is down, you can switch from your grid electricity or generators to solar. Depending on your activities, scheduling more energy-consuming activities for the night is cheaper in the long run. The lower your energy consumption during the day, the lower your monthly bill at the end of the month.

Finally, you can find the five practical ways to conserve solar energy and use your solar products best. But there are other ways to save solar energy usage. Experts even say that full loads of washing machines, driers and refrigerators are more energy efficient than running empty ones. Using smart devices can also help you reduce how much solar energy your appliances consume. Some of these other ways may depend on your energy needs and what is peculiar to your environment.

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