Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Solar Energy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Solar Energy

Solar energy represents a great deal of what renewable energy is about. Yet, many assumptions are going on that have also grown into myths. We have addressed some of these myths about solar energy here with proven facts. This article will dive into some of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) about solar energy. These common questions on solar energy are a great way to consider the switch.

Moreover, FAQs on solar energy are essential because they can help you make a better decision on the need for renewable energy. The benefits of solar energy are not far-fetched, but the air in the feared condition is to be cleared. Shall we begin to address the questions one after the other? What are the typical solar energy questions, and can we find the answers together?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on POS

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Solar Energy

1. What are the Components of the system?

A typical solar home system comprises several components, including

  • A solar panel. The solar panel contains PV cells capable of trapping solar energy and converting it to electrical power.
  • An inverter. This component is responsible for converting the energy into a form that can be used to power the appliances in the home or office. It converts DC to AC or vice versa when needed. In some cases, the inverter may be infused with the batteries, making the system more compact than separated components. 
  • Batteries. You need batteries to store up the energy that the solar panel generates so that it can be used subsequently. For example, the solar panel can generate electricity during the day, and it gets stored in batteries. During the night, when the sun is no longer up, you can use the stored energy in the batteries. 
  • Charge controller. This part of the system controls the rate at which the solar panel charges the batteries. On the other hand, some systems can also be charged by on-grid electricity, in which case the charge controller helps switch between the sources.
  • Racking or stand. The racking is the base or foundation where you set up your solar system during installation for use. 
  • Other accessories. Other accessories you can expect in a solar home system package are LED lumen bulbs, meters, disconnects, wires, cables, USB cables, and other essential parts. 

2. How long will it last?

The solar panel generally comes with a warranty of up to 25 years, giving any user peace of mind. Your solar panels are not getting spoilt for a long time to go with that length of lifespan. However, the warranty is not as long for the other solar home system components. In other words, you can expect to replace some of the different parts of the system. 

  • Grid-tie string Inverters come with a warranty of between 10 and 15 years
  • Off-grid inverters come with a warranty that is between 5 and 10 years
  • Typically, the batteries in your solar home system have a warranty of 1 to 10 years. However, the battery warranty largely depends on the battery’s manufacturer, model and technology. In other words, the battery type plays a considerable role in determining how long it can last. 

When estimating the cost of owning solar products, you will need to consider some of these costs with the lifespan of replacing them. 


3. Can I install solar myself?

When you finally decide to go solar, there is usually the question of installation. While many customers like the DIY approach to systems like this, you still want everything to go on flawlessly. So, depending on your solar system, you can decide your installation method. The choice of installation method may also depend on the particular product you buy.

For example, solar home systems can follow the DIY approach but the large mini-grid require professional hands to install. You will need to install racking rails and place solar panels on them. Mounting your solar panels on the roof will take an expert electrician. The least you can do is to get a local contractor to help with your solar product installation. 

On the other hand, the smaller systems simply come with cables and components that you only need to plug together and start using. Another way to make installation more accessible is to ask your distributor for help. Solar companies usually have a team of professional installers to help customers find a way around their products. Moreover, it is cheaper to install these products yourself.

4. How Does Solar Energy Work?

Generating electricity from solar panels is a result of a chemical reaction. When the sun hits the surface of the solar panel, it triggers the PV cells into action, and the electrons are excited. The result is the generation of Direct Current (DC) power. Next, this DC power is transferred into the inverter, which converts it into Alternating Current (AC) power that appliances use. 

The electric appliances in your home run on AC power from either on-grid or off-grid sources. When the power flows into your system or your solar inverter, you can store them in batteries for subsequent use or use them immediately. The battery storage can serve as the DC power source for nighttime when the solar panel efficiency has reasonably reduced. 

The amount of power you get from your solar energy system largely depends on many factors. For instance, solar panels may vary in efficiency, but it primarily relies on the amount of sunlight the discussions get. As a result, some weather conditions are not the best for solar panels, such as cloudy, snowy or cosy weather. Also, there is little or no energy at night.

5. How Much Electricity Comes From Solar Energy?

In recent years, the amount of electricity generated from solar energy has risen. Solar electricity depends on your system’s capacity, whether through the photovoltaic (PV) or a concentrating solar power (CSP) effect. For example, a large-scale system can produce over 1 MW of electricity, while small-scale products pay less. The goal is to have a solar home system sufficient to power all the appliances you intend to use. 

6. Is it cost-effective?

Perhaps the most important of all the questions we are considering is cost-effectiveness. Cost is an essential matter when it comes to switching to renewable energy. Choosing solar energy is an economical and financially affordable solution on all fronts. You should also know that solar prices have dropped continuously in the past decade. That’s an advantage. 

Compared with an on-grid connection, the cost-per-energy ratio is higher with on-grid power than with off-grid solar power in most cases. In addition, the difference seems to be very clear if you compare it with fossil fuel power generation. As a renewable energy source, the sun is free to use by all and cannot be depleted, unlike fossil fuel. 

On the other hand, apart from the fuel cost of generators, you also spend money on maintenance and repairs, which is never the case with solar. Moreover, solar technology is one of the latest means of generating power and continues to evolve. This evolution improves the quality and cost of the solar system for both domestic and industrial use. 

7. What are the payment or financing options for solar 

People often want to know about the payment options available for solar products. Similarly, they may ask if there are taxes and incentives to be paid when buying solar. Well, getting solar is such a flexible option that it offers the user diversified payment choices. When you are ready to buy solar, the easiest way is to buy outrightly.

However, there are many alternatives to buying solar if you cannot afford to pay at once. The options include;

  • Buy-Now-Pay-Later. With the buy-now-pay-later plan, you can buy solar products on a 0% loan. Some of the current partnerships Infibranches has in this regard include Carbon, Zilla, and LipaLater. These companies allow customers with a regular monthly income to buy solar products and repay monthly or weekly as best fit. You can visit FaziPay solar store to learn more. 
  • PayGo. The PayGo payment plan allows the buyer to spread out the payment over a period of 6, 12, 18 or 24 months. In addition, the PayGo plan will enable buyers to operate the solar product on a subscription basis for the period of repayment. The solar product is fully unlocked for permanent use when the payment is complete. 

8. What size do I need? 

The size of the solar panel or system you need primarily depends on your power. Here is a simple way to calculate your monthly power demands. Measure the amount of electricity you use daily, weekly or monthly, assuming a total power supply. That amount gives you an idea of what you need to power your home or office appliances with solar products. 

On the other hand, the prevalent weather condition in your area can also determine if your solar panel will reach its maximum efficiency potential. In some cases, an expert may need to examine your home’s electric bill in the past 12 months, especially if you are on a post-paid account. He can determine from the estimate what size of solar panel you should buy. 

9. Is Solar Energy Reliable?

Solar energy is completely reliable on many grounds. We have discussed the cost-effectiveness of installing a solar home system. It also attracts no maintenance except if you want to occasionally clean off the dust that may accrue on your solar panels. Asides from that, your solar panels are refined, and you get the amount of energy that you expect from them.

Another reason to consider installing a solar system for your home or business is that it is entirely off-grid. It means that you can control your power supply and enjoy power anytime you desire. Particularly in the case of a blackout or any power outage, you can depend on your solar system. On the other hand, solar energy can last up to 25 years. That’s durability!

10. Are there things to know before going Solar?

Before you finally switch to solar energy, is there basic information you should have? The answer is yes. You will need to understand your home’s power requirements, the roof’s strength and condition and the right payment plan. In addition, what is the prevalent weather condition in your area? Will there be much sunlight or cloud? To get a complete understanding, read our blog post on the ten things to note or factors to consider before going solar. Feel free to drop your comments below.

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